Wednesday 19 March 2008

For the Love of Chit Chat 2

Wrote the following entry last night, then tried to upload some of last night's sunset shots and pooooof it all disappeared... so maybe I am giving in to a stubborn streak or a compulsion, but I have to try and post this.

(yesterdays fumbles)

Good Heaven's what a confounding world - There I was in the very quaint city of Brighton yesterday. Dashing - if one can call my amble 'dashing' - to the hospital with my nearly 14 yr old lad and after mad dashing about waited an hour, one WHOLE hour to be seen.

Luckily the lad and I were preoccupied with our respective loves... me a book and him drawing the populace in his new favourite style. Needless to say that his drawings these days are focused around the food source of infants - and this after he has had more time than most to get over them, four years to the day to be precise!

Of course we had to sample the various delights that the North Lanes provide - Had to pop into Choccywoccydoodah - I kid you not. What a hoot. We oohed and aaahed and he took pictures to send to a friend in London but we declined to be seduced. I must say on the way home I was sorry : - (

However, after all the hippy-calm (lad's words) of the bohemian city we get back on the bus only to discover that I left my very precious sunglasses behind. No blinking ways was I going home without me goggles. So there I was ending up the day as I started it, mad dashing through the now throngs of people leaving work -- long story cut short -- I have the precious goggles back! All in all a good day.

So today started as only a gloriously clear icy morning can begin on the South Coast. Leaving the house with the hound for his morning walk wrapped up snugly against gentle icy nor then breeze, I had to shed the snugpack and gloves half way to Newhaven harbour (the dog was setting the pace). Its about a two mile hike on the shingle beach front and it was wonderfully invigorating. Calm seas at high tide and the odd angler trying his luck with the reluctant worms on his hook and the no doubt suspicious bass or whatever he was trying for.

Simply divine. I SO love to be by the sea-side : - ) I am having the most amazing day - warm glow around the chest area (in spite of an icy day) and lovely pasta for dinner in a wee bit.

Done all that and more last night - it is 05:43 on the first day of spring or so says our very good friend GOOGLE

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